2010年1月25日 星期一


對腳,,,, 好多個月冇去過球場,,,
今日終於去左, 見返好多波友仔, 好耐冇見, hehe,
仲見到新朋友, turbo jet 老友jumbo jack, 聽左朋友j 講多次,

雖然有得射下波, 但見到人地打波自己冇得打, 感覺好似,,,去睇人食飯, 自己冇得食咁,,,
一個字"恨", 好恨打波呀!!!!!!!!! 要快d 好返先得,
老人家唔做下運動, 又咳, 行動又慢,,,仲要變肥仔呀.

好, 3-4月, 要再出場! 等我呀!!!!

3 則留言:

  1. tat day is coming soon la~~

    btw, if u are interested, u can come to play snooker with me before u back to Bball court.

    There is a snooker room juz opposite my office, wakakaka......

  2. oh,,, really ? you know how to play snooker ma? i am very weak on snooker,,, i mostly in the white ball , haha, if i come tusen wan , find you have a game in office hr ar(if you can come out), hehe

  3. Can't play well indeed, but i think it's quite interesting and can train your concentration.

    I like shooting Bball too,,,hehe
