2010年2月3日 星期三

Cheer U up !!!!!

睇完詹瑞文的, "少林寺18 窮人", 覺得都幾唔錯, 好笑得黎又幾正面,

最重要係唔係佢一個人的SOLO, 因為睇佢一個人做好悶, 冇特別, 佢今個SHOW 搵左多幾個人合作,

非常唔錯, 同佢發出到一D 正面的MESSAGE , 我都幾BUY佢個CONCEPT, 睇完之後都好想,

CHEER U UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my Dear fds!!!!

5 則留言:

  1. I never watched his show before. Maybe I have to watch this and see how it cheer me up. haha

  2. hehem yes, i want to cheer all my fd up, hehe, you need to see you , i send you when i see you online ar,,,

  3. u always do tat and u make it done,,,,i should learn it from you cuz i want to cheer up my fd too

  4. haha, really ? cheer fd up , I learn from my fd , and 激發 by that drama, hehe my fd always said "my fd happy , everybody happy , then i will be happy , happy should share with all your fd" , but i not so great to do it to all my fd, but only part of them , so ... you shouldn't learn from me as i also a student, you should learn from.........

  5. tats true, sometimes even u are not feeling good, but when u can make ur fd happy or see him/her happy, then u will be happy too~~
